“Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, working together is success.
Having an idea is a great thing, knowing how to carry it forward is better.
Anyone who stops learning is old, whether they are 20 or 80 years old.”
Henry Ford
The management of Zibo Gomma has voluntarily decided to implement a management system within its organization, aimed at the production and commercialization of technical rubber products, in compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and ISO 45001 standards.
In implementing and maintaining the mentioned management system, the management is committed to:
– Identifying and meeting the relevant expectations of stakeholders, ensuring continuity by providing them with reliable services, ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for its own workers and those of the companies operating within the company’s perimeter, and working for environmental protection through pollution prevention, climate change mitigation, and other specific environmental aspects related to its context;
– Continuously ensuring financial stability by considering all economic aspects in activity planning, in the interest of both the company and stakeholders;
– Maintaining a high level of competence, motivation, and awareness among all employees, viewed as a process of human resource growth and, where economically sustainable, improving processes through the application of best technologies;
– Complying with mandatory regulations and voluntarily adopted agreements regarding the quality of the services provided, the health and safety of workers, and environmental protection;
– Eliminating hazards and reducing risks to workers’ health and safety;
– Supporting a consultation and participation process with workers on health and safety at work;
– Monitoring performance for the continuous improvement of the management system to prevent injuries, accidents, and work-related diseases;
– Preventing pollution by systematically applying the system requirements;
– Preventing potential emergency situations and responding promptly to them by adopting a defined methodology;
– Adopting the requirements of the management system in relationships with external organizations or entities;
– Engaging qualified suppliers, contractors, and collaborators who meet the required legal standards;
– Using this policy as a reference framework for setting corporate objectives.
The management communicates the contents of this policy internally and makes it available to stakeholders through the company’s website.
Livraga, li 18 dicembre 2024